canneconomy cannabis medical marijuana


Debby Goldsberry, Executive Director, Magnolia Oakland | September 4, 2019

Here are 8 key take-aways from this interview with Debby Goldsberry on the 2010s:   2010 was a rough year for the already-established cannabis industry. Legalization meant pushing the small players off of the field. Big business began to dominate, since it became safe to do so. Goldsberry’s goal is to make the planet a nicer, kinder place through cannabis and hemp. She has worked to empower her people to take control—not give it up. Legalizing cannabis still clearly lands in the “win” category. The criminal justice reform that has stemmed from that is just one example. The improved quality of cannabis is another. It has also brought with it new injustices and marginalization. The barrier to entry is becoming too high for the average person, even if they’ve had a hand in the cannabis industry for a long time. Governments are wrestling with how to balance equity in the disbursement of permits. The science field of cannabis and hemp is exploding. Individual cannabinoids are being discovered and researched. The goal for the future of the cannabis industry is to set up an infrastructure where big businesses must be mission-based and work for equity. Goldsberry ends with a tip so solid it’s worth hearing for yourself.   Watch here to learn more from Debby Goldsberry as she elaborates on these points.  

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