canneconomy cannabis medical marijuana


Ethan Nadelmann | October 2, 2019

Before we dive in on the cannabis happenings of 2014, let’s recap the events leading up to it. The big victories in Colorado and Washington State legalizing recreational cannabis took place in 2012. However, they brought with them questions like, how will those laws be implemented? What are the feds going to do? In 2013, Congress released a memo giving Colorado and Washington a qualified green light. Then came about the question of, what’s next? Where else should we look at for future initiatives? Despite the surprise victories in Colorado and Washington, the consensus was that passing future initiatives would have their best chance in 2016, an election year where more young people were coming out to vote. The odds of winning were larger than doing it in an off-year election like 2014. The Oregon trail However, what happened was that three states jumped in in 2014. Oregon was a fascinating situation, because it had one of the longest standing marijuana reform communities. John Sajo had done a marijuana decriminalization ballot initiative back in the ‘80s, which wasn’t done very well, but serves as an example of the type of cannabis community Oregon maintained. Travis Maurer, a dynamic, likable, and controversial figure, ended up in Oregon as a medical marijuana entrepreneur. He was keen to get things going in Oregon and made a concerted effort to bridge the tense gap between the rest of the marijuana reform community. Keen convincing Travis set out to cultivate a relationship with me. He invited me …

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